Somand sponsors Pacific Cup Yacht Race

Somand, Inc. To Sponsor the Pacific Cup Yacht Race

“the FUN race to Hawaii”

Somand, Inc., is thrilled to announce their sponsorship of the Pacific Cup Yacht Race for the upcoming 2022 Pacific Cup race from San Francisco to Hawaii. The Race begins on July 4th 2020 and features a warm welcome by Kaneohe Yacht Club upon completion of the race. 

Somand, Inc. is proud to support the Pacific Cup as a woman’s performance technical sailing clothing company serving all women in sailing across the USA. They specialize in contemporary, highly technical, apparel. They have so far released their halo product, The Farallon Women’s Sailing Jacket and two complementary accessories - The Farallon High Visibility Hood & The Farallon UV Neck Gaiter. Somand, Inc strives to expand their offerings with an aim to reach all women sailors internationally. Visit to learn more about the company and products they offer or email them at

The Pacific Cup Yacht Club was formed in the 1980s to run the Pacific Cup Race that occurs every two years, from San Francisco to Hawaii. Participants of the race attend safety and preparation seminars as well as social events leading up to the race. The finish in Hawaii is off the north coast of Oahu near Kaneohe Bay. Upon arrival in Hawaii members of the Kaneohe Yacht Club welcome participants and all engage in week of festivities. To learn more about the Pac Cup visit

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